While most superheroes adhere to the code against brutality and killing, some heroes go beyond the ethics and codes and plunge straight into violence. Marvel’s golden days consisted of heroes who combated only violent villains. But over the years as Marvel’s heroes evolved, they became extremely violent.
A hero’s violence is never rooted in his action, rather it is embedded in their ideology. Here are the eight Marvel superheroes who are extremely violent.

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8. Moon Knight

There is a fine line between Marvel heroes who project violent qualities and heroes who are just murder machines in suits. And Moon Knight belongs to the latter group. And over the years, Moon Knight has gotten more fierce. The writer explored Marc Spector’s multiple personality disorder-in depth as well as his desire to please ancient gods of violence. This medley of characteristics has only led to Moon Knight becoming an active bomb.
He may be contemplating the capacity of humanity in one moment and canonically cut off someone’s face tearing the face off his enemy in another. While weapons like crescent darts gave Moon Knight an edge, his general instability made him a wild card which makes Moon Knight capable of tremendous violence.
7. Hulk

Hulk just does not care, he smashes. He might be one of the most furious Avengers, but it is Bruce Banner who helps him stay grounded. The Green Goliath’s potential for violence is severely hindered by Banner’s desire to suppress his alter-ego. However, in Planet Hulk/World War Hulk series, the fans saw Hulk’s true capability when he is not burdened by the moral instinct
In his purest form, the jade beast is an incredibly violent warrior whose ability to tear through human lives and wreak havoc is surpassed only by his desire to do so. Hulk is the man who once ripped Wolverine in half and threw his legs on top of a mountain. Also, the ultimate version of Hulk is much more violent. And the Hulk’s Avengers-assembling rampage included cannibalism and the deadly destruction of entire city blocks.
6. Footkiller

One of the only superheroes, who takes pleasure in slaying. He is one of the most amusing, yet dark characters created by Marvel. However, over the years, Footkiller underwent a few incarnations including adopting a villainous persona.
The forgotten anti-hero does not view killing as the means to an end, instead, he views killing as an art. His only mission in life is to kill fools, whom Footkillers considers everyone from supervillains to annoying people to be worthy of the being fool. Because of his villainous persona, Footkiller is known to be one of the most violent Marvel anti-heroes.
5. Blade

The half-man half-vampire is soo brutal that it makes the fans feel sorry for the vampires being slain by him. The Blade is somewhat unique in the Marvel universe as he is one of those characters that Marvel writers use their most violent ideas to create the vampire killer because there are few fans who would cry over a vampire’s dead body.
Blade appreciates that there’s very little room for decency when you’re killing vampires, and he approaches his chosen duty with a level of intensity that would make him Marvel’s biggest supervillain if he chose to target humans.
4. Wolverine

Wolverine is a relentlessly brutal character. He was born into violence and gained his trademark adamantium skeleton as the result of a particularly violent experiment design that turned him into the ultimate weapon. However, the X-Men helped him get in touch with his humanity, but he never got rid of his true self being a killing machine.
Logan proved himself as a different breed of hero by killing goons in the Dark Phoenix Saga. This violence continued to cling to the character for the rest of his stories including Frank Miller’s and Chris Claremont’s Wolverine and Weapon X written by Windsor-Smith. However, the characters violent nature altered Marvel Comics and made the heroes deadlier over time.
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3. Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider is a vengeful spirit. He has no problem burning someone’s essence from within or simply beating them to death with a chain. He is arguably one of the most powerful Marvel heroes in existence and is certainly one of the most violent. In fact, when it was rumored that Ghost Rider was going to be featured in Marvel’s ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’, the show’s producers elected to go out of their way to assure viewers that he was going to be a brutally violent character.
Ghost Rider has no problem burning someone’s essence from within or simply beating them to death with a chain. He is arguably one of the most powerful Marvel heroes in existence and is certainly one of the most violent.
2. Deadpool

The only thing that separates ‘Deadpool’ from Wolverine, is the former’s love for violence. Deadpool views violence as the ultimate form of vindication. Rooted in his past, he came to the conclusion that the best thing he can do is become an assassin. And ‘Deadpool’ takes great pleasure in doing the most horrific act. So that’s an added bonus!
Deadpool’s regenerative healing factor allows the character to suffer as much violence as he creates, leading to endless panels of blood, guts, and brains. There are versions of ‘Deadpool’ that are even more violent, with Deadpool graphically killing various versions of himself, characters from classical literature like Sherlock Holmes and the Little Mermaid, and the entirety of the Marvel Universe. Not once but, twice.
1. Punisher

Punisher is the epitome of violence. With a skull on his chest and thousands of bullets, Frank Castle vowed to eliminate crime by any means possible. Due to his traumatized childhood, Castle has taken an oath to destroy any crime by any means necessary.
In the name of destroying that evil, he had done things like rip the entrails of a pedophile out with his bare hands. His kill count is said to be more than 48,000 people. Punisher was the first character to kill the entire Marvel Universe and his violent crime-fighting was the flagship of Marvel’s adult-oriented Max line.
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