The most pleasing and satisfying cinematic moment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe was from ‘Avengers: Endgame’ when Captain America finally got hold of Mjolnir, Thor’s famous hammer. As seen in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’, all the Avengers were given a chance to pick it up, Tony Stark with this tech, and Bruce Banner with his science all tried to lift it up, yet remained unsuccessful.
Thor claimed that anyone worthy of it can lift up Mjolnir, well it seems as though Captain America was finally worthy of lifting it. But with the absence of Captain America and the death of Tony Stark, the responsibility of saving the world and leading the new-gen Avengers falls on friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. But the question is, whether Spider-Man is worth lifting Mjolnir.

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How Does Mjolnir Determine Worthiness?

Marvel has delivered heroes with suits, gamma-radiated monsters, and a time-capsuled lab experiment, but it has also exposed the fans to a wide variety of mystic tools and powers from magic to artifacts unknown to human civilization. Among these mystical artifacts the most intriguing and favored is Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. However not every human or superior being can wield it, those who are deemed worthy can lift Mjolnir.
Mjolnir was created from a chunk of Uru – a moon that was shattered during a battle. Dwarves of Nidavellir claimed several pieces out of which one chunk was gifted to Odin. Shortly after this, he battled with the God Tempest – mother of all storms. In order to defeat the God Tempest, Odin trapped her within the chunk of Uru. Even when Brui, Eitri, and Brokk forged it into the hammer, Mjolnir, God Tempest still remind trapped which made it difficult to control. Hence Odin cast an enchantment on Mjolnir to prevent anyone from wielding it, except those who are deemed worthy.
When Odin cast the enchantment, he invoked his own definition of worthiness, hence it might not be Mjolnir, but Odin who determines worthiness. But since Mjolnir also has a conscious entity – God Tempest might determine the worthiness. Being worthy is all about the wielder’s willingness to break and destroy.
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Does Spider-Man Deserve To Lift Mjolnir?

Being worthy is essentially required to be true to oneself. But every other character except for Captain America, Thor, and Vision is plagued by their past. They have buried skeletons in their closets, struggling with self-doubt and in a constant battle between good and evil within them. Spider-Man is actually deemed worthy of lifting Thor’s hammer but it’s not friendly neighborhood hero, Peter Parker. Surprisingly it is the Spider-Man who made his recent cinematic debut in ‘Across the Spider-Verse’, Miguel O’Hara or Spider-Man 2099.
Miguel O’Hara is one of the most self-confident Spider-Man in the multiverse. He formed the Spider Society to protect the multiverse and has been deemed to be a proficient leader. As a result of strong determination, Miguel O’Hara eventually became worthy enough to lift Thor’s enchanted hammer, Mjolnir.
In the ‘2099: World of Tomorrow‘ storyline, Miguel O’Hara faces a world-ending threat. The techno-organic alien Phalanx tried to take advantage of nearly-fatal disasters that causes the polar ice caps to melt and destroyed much of the world. O’Hara along with Doom 2099 stop these alien invaders and their plans of global conquest. As Doom 2099 sacrificed himself to stop the alien threat, Miguel O’Hara rebuilt his life and Alchemex. He revived Steve Rogers and handed over Mjolnir to protect the future. However, Rogers entrusted it to O’Hara instead, who had proven himself worthy of Mjolnir. Mjolnir did not contribute to O’Hara’s power or strength, instead, it just slowed his aging, making sure the world is secure under his leadership for thousand years.
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