In the last episode of ‘X-Men ’97’, Tolerance Is Extinction, Pt. 1, fans saw X-Men left with a destroyed X-Mansion. Bastion starts his war against mutants while Magneto gets back on his old vendetta to finish humanity.
Between all this, Professor X finally returned to Earth to handle his old friend and help his X-Men. So it was time for the team to put on their iconic suits to stop Bastion and his prime Sentinels while convincing Magneto to reverse what he had done.
X-Men Solve Magneto-Problem But At What Cost?

X-Men start planning out how they will manage this 2-way war and soon after Magento arrives at the destroyed X-Mansion. Magneto talks about how Charles Xavier abandoned them and made him walk on the latter’s path. He reasoned that Xavier’s path led to the destruction of Genosha where even children were massacred.
He urges the team to come with him and blames Professor X for the death of countless mutants. Rogue and Roberto leave the team behind goes up with Magneto. Rogue is still in anguish with the death of Gambit and Roberto is mad about his mother handing him over to Prime Sentinels.
Cyclops, Wolverine, Professor X, Jubilee and Nightcrawler arrive at Magneto’s base to talk to him but he is in no mood to talk. Professor X tells the team to remove Magneto’s helmet so that he can control him. Wolverine manages to take it off and Professor X takes control over his friend.
However, Cyclops interrupts Professor as the Gold Team, who is fighting Prime Sentinels, needs more time. This gives Magneto the opportunity and he puts his helmet on Charles Xavier to stop him using his telepathic powers. He starts torturing Professor and just then, Wolverine passes his claws through Magneto’s back.
However, Magneto was still alive supposedly for a moment and he did the most brutal thing. Magneto extracts Adamantium from Wolverine’s skull and episodes ends there.
Can Wolverine Survive The Fatal Attack?
Getting his adamantium extracted from his body is one of the most fatal attack Wolverine suffered. Creators have taken this sequence from the ‘Fatal Attraction’ comic-book storyline. In the storyline, X-men also tries to stop Magneto after he shuts down Earth with electromagnetic pulses.
So the question remains, can Wolverine survive this? In the comic-book storyline, Wolverine survives this due to his healing factor. He leaves the team and spends the time with his old skeleton. So it is a possibility that fans may not see Wolverine in the ‘X-Men ’97 season finale.
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X-Men Apparently Loses Jean Grey Once Again

While Professor X and co are trying to stop Magneto, the Gold Team takes on the Sentinels, Mr Sinister and Bastion. They were welcomed with an army of Sentinels. Morph does the most epic thing, transforms into Hulk, and gives fans a look at how the green monster will look in the series.
Mr Sinister tries to play mind games with Mr Sinister but she fights him back. However, Mr Sinister mind controls Cable who then starts fighting against Jean Grey. She holds things back as she doesn’t want to hurt her stepson, however, Cable goes all in and shoots a powerful beam. She connects with Cyclops who is fighting Magneto, and says, “I love you, Scott.” The connection immediately loses implying the end of Jean Grey.
However, it isn’t clear if she is dead or if she will somehow survive this. The episode’s ending kept fans on the edge of their seat as they were not prepared to witness everything that was happening. There is only one episode left in the three-episode finale. It will reveal the fate of Magneto, Wolverine, and Jean Grey along with other mutants.
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