‘Game Of Thrones‘ is cemented as one of the most popular series in the world. Spanning eight seasons and ruling television for about a decade, the fantasy drama has some epic, shocking, and heartbreaking moments.
With a star-studded cast and stunning settings, the drama takes magic and mystery to another level. With baby dragons, incest, suspense, and battles, ‘Game Of Thrones’ has so much to offer its audience. There are many scenes – funny, thrilling, and unpredictable that have been paused and rewatched again and again. And here are the 10 most paused scenes from the successful show.
10. White Walker’s First Appearance

From the get-go, White Walkers were presented as some eerie figure who lurks on the other side of the wall. Many believe they are just myths and nothing more. However, all this changed in the finale of season 2.
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When the Night’s Watch were setting up a camp while their expedition beyond the wall they were hit with a snowstorm. They run to save themselves, however, Samwell Tarly trips and falls down. In this chaos, Sam and fans get their first glimpse at the White Walkers on a decaying zombified horse. The environment and background score just make fans appreciate this iconic moment.
9. Ned Stark’s Beheading

The Lord Of Winterfell, Ned Stark was the most noble and righteous man in the Westeros, and these ideals led to him losing his head. He was the central figure throughout the first season. King Robert Baratheon takes him from Winterfell to King’s Landing to make his Hand of the King.
After Robert’s death, Cersei made Jeoffrey king and named Ned Stark the traitor to the throne. Jon already made the mistake of confronting Cersei after finding out the truth about her children and leaving them free. On the judgment day, Ned accepted all the allegations against him after Sansa convinced her. However, Jeoffry, drunk on power, defied his advisors and ordered the execution of Eddard Stark. This scene just left fans in shock.
8. The Mother Of The Dragons

In the span of 2 episodes, ‘GOT‘ killed 2 of the most prominent characters, Ned Stark and Khal Drogo. Daenerys commanded a witch to use her witchcraft to cure her husband. However, she instead uses her craft to leave Drogo in an unresponsive state.
Dany couldn’t bear to see her Khal suffer and kill him herself. During the cremation, Dany also steps into the fire. However, in the morning, Daenerys emerges unburnt with dragon babies on her. This scene was absolutely breathtaking and signaled the true arrival of Mother of The Dragons.
7. The Red Wedding

“Red Wedding” was a complete horror show for ‘GOT‘ viewers. Catelyn promised Robb Stark to one of the Frey girls, however, Robb married Talisa instead. This didn’t sit well with Walder Frey. Thus he plotted with The House Lannister, and Bolton, to put an end to the House Stark for good.
During the wedding celebration of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey, Tywin Lannistor’s trademark “The Rains Of Castamere” starts playing and everything goes downhill from there. A soldier stabs a pregnant Talisa in the gut, and Robb is riddled with arrows. After that, Roose Bolton stabs Robb saying “The Lannisters send their regards”. Every Stark soldier was butchered along with Robb’s direwolf, Grey Wind. Later, Frey soldiers sew Grey Wind’s head on Robb’s body which was just too much to take in.
6. The Purple Wedding

Unlike the Red Wedding, the Purple Wedding has much more of a satisfying end. Every ‘Games Of Thrones’ fan hates Jeoffrey to their guts. He tormented Sansa, disrespected Tyrion, and was a complete menace.
During the lavish ceremony, Jeoffry orders Tyrion to bring him wine. Little did he know, that it was spiked with poison. Jeoffry starts choking, gasping for air, and drops down to the ground. His face starts turning purple and the reign of terror comes to an end. It was a sigh of relief for fans that finally, this twisted foul king was gone for good.
5. Jon Snow’s Death

When Jon Snow tried to walk a different path as the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. He brought people from the south of the Wall and made a truce. For years, The Night’s Watch had given their blood to fight willing and now, they are on their land. It didn’t sit well with many, especially those who despised Jon from the start.
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They used sweet Olly to lure Jon into the trap. Each of them, including Olly, stabbed their Lord Commander. It was chilling for fans to see their hero fall. It is a different story that he came back to life but seeing Jon dying was hard to watch.
4. Arya Stark Killing The Night King

Who would’ve thought out of any northerner, Arya Stark would be the one to land the final blow on the Night King? During the Battle Of Winterfell, Night King’s army of the dead completely annihilates everyone on the battlefield. After moving aside every threat, Night King marches down to the godswood to end the three-eyed Raven.
Jon Snow was racing down to protect Bran. When Night King is about to take on Bran, out of nowhere, Arya Stark leaps down to save the day and stabs the Night King with his Valaryian dagger. It was a completely unexpected moment, and fans to this day debate about whether it was the right call or the wrong from writers.
3. Daenerys Targaryen’s Murder

In the final season of ‘Game Of Thrones,’ writers made sure fans know Daenerys is truly the daughter of the Mad King. Ever since coming to the Westeros, she was just waiting to take the Iron Throne which was making her very impatient. In addition, she lost some friends including Jorah in the Battle of Winterfell. Later, when Cersei executed Missandei, Dany just lost it.
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She takes Drogon and burns King’s Landing to the ground. Watching her descent into madness, her lover and nephew, Jon Snow, takes it upon himself to put an end to all of this. He stabs Daenerys in the wrecked throne room leaving fans in gasp.
2. Cersei’s Walk Of Shame

Not a single soul in the Westeros or ‘Game Of Thrones’ fandom sympathizes with Cersei Lannister unless their name is Jamie Lannister. However, The Walk of Shame makes fans feel bad for the Queen Mother. Cersei was plotting against Margaery and the house Tyrell with the High Sparrow. However, this plan backfires as Lancel Lannister confesses his and Cersei’s incestuous relationship.
Cersei’s refusal to confess leads to her imprisonment. There, she was tortured; tormented to accept her sins. When she finally confesses, she’s made to take The Walk Of Shame. Her head was shaped, stripped down with people throwing garbage at her and dishing out slurs. Even some man flashed her (thank god these moments are not on the list). Many fans just hit the pause button out of sympathy and others just wanted to see Lena Headey.
1. The Infamous Ros Moment

The undisputed king of the “Most pause moments of ‘GOT‘” is the unimportant, yet unforgettable moment that made the mark, Ros’ departure to the south. Many might not know Ros by her name but surely by her face. She is the prostitute of the Winterfell who is often seen with the Little Finger.
Before traveling to the South, Ros spends the night with Theon Greyjoy. She reveals to him that she is going to the Capital for more opportunities. Theon tries to make her stay but she still leaves. While she is going on the caravan, Theon asks her to show her “lady parts” for the last time, and boy she doesn’t disappoint. She stands up, pulls her dress up, and gives everyone a peek. So, it doesn’t need much explanation why this moment is at the top of the list.