Certain moments encompass experiences that cannot be explained. They can be golden advice that is the product of long introspection and observation. And one thing is sure in human existence: no one can take those experiences away from you. They are personal. So, when the people in ‘Schitt’s Creek‘ found themselves struggling, they healed and aided the inhabitants with words that resonated deeply with the audiences as well.
A lot of characters in ‘Schitt’s Creek,’ mainly the Rose family, had many instances where they needed a push or an ear to listen to what they had to say. The family is living with the trauma of losing their fortune in a quaint town. They have the demons that followed them. The Roses had to make their way through the crowd to get an ounce of recognition. But in Schitt’s Creek town, there is no crowd; the spotlight is on them. While treading that path, they had many moments, along with the other characters, where they were reassured about a step someone was taking, presented the harshest truth about life, and asked to live life on their terms. When everything was lost, they had words. Words took them where they went in the show.

Related: How ‘Schitt’s Creek’ Got ‘Heart Wants What It Wants’ Right
10) Moira Rose’s Important Lesson About Body Image

In ‘Schitt’s Creek,’ Catherine O’Hara’s Moira Rose struggles to reiterate her identity as a celebrity in the town. She tries to gain it by wearing outlandish clothes, those queer wigs, and that personality with a tinge of narcissism. She hides those insecurities behind that gloss. Classic Hollywood!
But when her nudes get leaked on the internet, she is worried and inquisitive to look at her younger self. To relive those years of relevancy. However, when Stevie fails to find them, Moira says something achingly true. Moira says, “Allow me to offer you some advice. Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think, ‘Oh, I’m too spooky,’ or ‘Nobody wants to see these tiny boobies,’ but believe me: one day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, ‘Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!’ “
9) David’s Advice To Ted

The ‘Singles Week’ episode during the fourth season gave us many memorable moments, advice, and analogies! But one of the best moments was between David and Ted. We have not seen Ted interact with David much one-on-one, but during the episode, they both dropped their guards and became vulnerable to each other. Alexis confesses her love to Ted while he is still in a relationship with Heather, which puts him in a spot.
So, when David arrives with the box of sweaters for pet adoption, Ted and David get talking. The veterinarian tells David about breaking up with Heather and how difficult it was to shake off their breakup and a broken engagement. Though it was out of character for David Rose, he tells him, “It is important for us to remember that sometimes it does work out. Everything inside us is telling us to protect ourselves; when you’ve got it, don’t let it go.”
8) Alexis’ Golden Words For Moira Rose

When ‘The Crows Have Eyes III’ becomes a smash hit, Moira Rose gets back into the game. In the sixth season, Moira gets an offer to reboot her famous soap opera, ‘Sunrise Bay.’ Tippy Bernstein and Clifton Sparks convince her to star in the reboot. But Alexis Rose, while she is in quarantine after her breakup, helps her realize her worth.
When Moira excitedly comes to Alexis to tell her the news, she bombards her with questions about her humiliating exit from the show. While the actress is still convincing herself that Clifton did not write her off the show, Alexis says something that makes her realize her humiliation and worth. Alexis says, “Just remember that there is nothing wrong with asking for what you deserve.”
7) Moira Rose’s Priceless Advice About Gossiping

Moira Rose’s trajectory in the series is a brilliant testimony to how a snooty character can change over time and evolve. Again, the writing on the show seamlessly got us as audiences to that. But something that remains constant for her is her impeccable vocabulary and her one-liners.
While she tries to discuss daughter Alexis, Twyla tells her that the two will be heading to a bar for a “girl’s night.” When Twyla asks if Alexis is okay, Moira thinks that she wants to gossip about Alexis. So, she says, “Gossip is the devil’s telephone. Best to just hang up.” And we live by that, Mother Moira!
6) Johnny Rose’s ‘Tapes’ Advice That Stevie Helps Him Recall

Stevie and Johnny Rose buy a new motel as the first step in expanding their Rosebud motels. But a financial hiccup arises while Johnny is aiding David’s wedding with the catering. But David is completely unaware of the monetary deficiency and adds more plates of the costliest gourmet food. This puts him in a bad mood. But he feels worse when David tells him that Patrick’s parents are helping him with the costs.
Johnny hands out copies of the book he had written when he was still the head of the Rose Videos, titled ‘Fast Forward to Success.’ He convenes a meeting, and Stevie comes up with the brilliant idea of franchising the motels. She reminds him that he has already done this and quotes him saying, “You miss 100% of the tapes you don’t play.”
5) Moira’s Pep Talk To Stevie Before The ‘Cabaret Performance’

Stevie goes missing before her important day. David tells her about the news that Patrick proposed to him, and she, already under pressure about the performance, sails off. Nobody knows where Stevie went, and the news that David wanted to announce in a special way spreads like wildfire.
Stevie comes back with customized towels for both David and Patrick. Moira was ready to take her place. But Stevie changes into Sally, and the first half goes amazingly. Before the second half, Moira tells Stevie how proud she is of her, but she is still diffident about herself. However, Moira tells her that she is the coolest person in the town, whether “she sails off or stays put.” She tells Stevie, “You just stand your solid ground, refusing to be anything but you,” to let go of Stevie’s inhibition.
In Case You Missed: ‘Schitt’s Creek’: Top 10 David And Patrick Moments On The Show
4) Alexis Tells David That Nobody Cares

David Rose’s driving license expires, so he and Alexis go together to the driving test. David is surely frightened because he thinks that he will fail the test. Alexis realizes that, and she tells him that he is acting all sorts of crazy and that nobody cares as much about the test as he does. But David refutes her argument and tells her that people care, and the driving examiner cares.
Alexis tells him that nobody thinks about him the way he does and that he should stop fretting. David then tells her that not everyone skates through life as she does. Alexis tells him, “I don’t skate through life, David; I walk through life in really nice shoes,” and tells him to stop worrying about everything to make things easier for himself.
3) David Stands By Patrick While He Comes Out To His Family

The David-Patrick relationship does not have many major bumps like Alexis’s, but it is a healthy and loving depiction of queer relationships. One of the bumps is that Patrick’s parents are unaware of their son’s relationship with David. They assume that the two are mere business partners. So, when they arrive in town for their son’s surprise birthday party, Johnny accidentally comes out on Patrick’s behalf. Chaos ensues, but David sails the rocking boat smoothly.
David throws Patrick off, but the reassurance that he provides him portrays the strength of their relationship. When Patrick tells him that he fears that after knowing about his identity, his parents will see or treat him differently, David says, “Okay, what you’re dealing with is very personal, and it’s something you should only do on your terms.”
2) Johnny Rose Accepts David’s Sexual Orientation

During season one, we see that Johnny has still not come to terms with his son’s sexual orientation. But, during the ‘Honeymoon’ episode, when Johnny and Roland are as high as kites, they discuss their sons. When it comes to sexual orientation, we often do not allow our loved ones to come to terms with it. It may take a person years to come to terms with it, so it is unfair from our side to not give them that time.
Johnny tells Roland, “My son is pansexual.” Roland thinks that it is some kind of cookware fetish, but he explains to the mayor the intricacies of it. As a father, he wishes his son to live an easy life. He says, “You know, just pick one gender, and maybe… Maybe everything would’ve been less confusing.” Roland tells him after a pause, “Well, you know, Johnny, when it comes to matters of the heart, we can’t tell our kids who to love.”
1) “I Like The Wine, And Not The Label”

After David and Stevie sleep together, she learns about David’s sexual orientation. While they are shopping for wine for Alexis and Ted’s party, Stevie tells him that she likes to only drink red wine, and she thought that David also drinks only red wine. It is complex when one has to explain their orientation. But David explains it seamlessly to Stevie.
He says, “I do drink red wine. But I also drink white wine. And I’ve been known to sample the occasional rosé, and a couple summers back, I tried Merlot that used to be a Chardonnay.” She says, “Oh, so you are just really open to all wines.” He gives the best one-line answer to her: “I like the wine, not the label. Does that make sense?”
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