Goku is one of the most popular and loved characters in the shonen anime genre and in general in the anime world. He is the protagonist of ‘Dragon Ball‘ and is one of the strongest characters. Goku has many transformations into the Super Saiyan form and each transformation has given him a power boost.
However, even the strongest warrior on earth has a preference when he transforms into Super Saiyan. Let’s find out what exactly is Super Saiyan from and which form Goku uses the most.

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What Is A Super Saiyan In ‘Dragon Ball’?

A super Saiyan is a transformation that can only be achieved by Saiyans who used to be residents of the planet Vegeta before it was destroyed by Frieza. The Saiyans used to be a race of bloodthirsty warriors and this particular form was considered a legend before Goku attained it.
A super Saiyan’s power increases exponentially upon transformation. For instance, if their power was 50 before turning super Saiyan, it would be multiplied by 50 and become 250.
After unlocking the first form, it came to light that the Super Saiyan form has different levels. For example, when Goku couldn’t defeat his opponent with super Saiyan 1, he further transformed into super Saiyan 2. Currently, Goku has around 8 forms in ‘Dragon Ball’. Let’s find out which one he uses the most and why.
Which Form Does Goku Use Most And Why?

Goku mostly uses the super Saiyan 1 form. This is the first form Goku unlocked upon transforming and this is the form he favors the most. There are two reasons for that.
The first reason is, this form has been unlocked by Goku a long time ago and as such he has learned to control his Ki completely in the form. This form, as a result, comes naturally to him and does not drain much of his stamina or strength. In addition to that, Goku can maintain this form for a very long time due to his commendable control over it.
The other reason is that the other forms drain a lot of Goku’s stamina and do not provide him with much time to fight. For instance, the super Saiyan 3 form shortened the already short time Goku had to return to his home. This happened in the Majin Buu saga. These are the major reasons why Goku uses the super Saiyan 1 or the basic form the most.
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