‘One Piece‘ is one of the most popular and longest-running anime of all time. It follows the story of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew as he tries to find a secret treasure that will let him become the pirate king.
Luffy is recognized for his appearance. In contrast to other anime protagonists who have distinguishing facial traits, he has a considerably basic appearance. Examples include Goku’s extremely spiky hairdo, Naruto’s blond hair, his orange outfit, and more. However, Luffy has the relatively plain appearance of a lad from the countryside, complete with black hair and simply drawn eyes. His striking features are the two scars he has, one on his face and the other on his chest.
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How Did Luffy Get The Scar On His Face?

Luffy met Shanks when he was little. Shanks was already a pirate then. Shanks’ crew’s positive attitude, their ability to sing and dance when intoxicated, and the strength of their bond served as inspiration for Luffy.
After that, Luffy became friendly with Shanks and his crew to the point where he insisted they accept him into their crew. Being repeatedly rejected by Shanks, perhaps because he is still too young to join the pirates, irritated Luffy, who then began to demonstrate a risky stunt. He then used a dagger to stab himself close to the eye while boasting to the entire crew that he was strong enough to be a pirate already. The wound was deep for Luffy’s delicate skin. Thus it healed like a scar.
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How Did He Get The Chest Scar?

Contrary to the amusing moment in which Luffy received his first scar, the scar on his chest was a reminder of a traumatic event for Luffy that occurred before he received his scar—Ace’s death in front of him. Despite Luffy’s miserable condition, Akainu nevertheless killed him because of Luffy’s notoriety as the son of Monkey D. Dragon, the revolutionary leader who is also the most sought criminal. The goal of Akainu at that point is to eliminate Ace and Luffy, whom he views as a generation of criminals due to the reputation of their parents. Luffy was protected by his friends.
Jimbe picked him up and ran from there but Akainu caught up to them. He then threw a magma-enhanced punch at Jimbe, which blasted through him to Luffy. The attack was strong enough to severely injure Luffy. The attack dealt major damage, as it caused a tear through Luffy’s skin. Because the direct damage occurred in the middle of the incision, the scar was shaped like an X and exploded like the eruption brought on by the magma-enhanced punch.
This is precisely why the scar has a central point before thinning out in each of the four diagonal directions, much like how the impact of an explosion diminishes the outer portion of its overall radius. This is how the simple and sweet protagonist of ‘One Piece‘ got such a horrific scar.
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