In a world teeming with villains, pro heroes, and abilities known as quirks, the young generation needed excellent teachers. Which institute could have been better than the U.A. of ‘My Hero Academia‘? U.A. is filled with the best pro heroes acting as teachers to help guide the younger generation with their quirks. To become a future pro hero, one needs to learn the basics.
While we may find plenty of varieties of teachers in the academy, you’ll find yourself drawn to particular ones. Some teachers are extremely likable for their personalities, while some demand respect. There are some teachers who do not put the effort into being liked and still leave a strong image in your head. In this article, we’ll discuss some teachers who are likable and powerful in U.A.
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Top 10 Likeable And Powerful Teachers in My Hero Academia
10. Gang Orca

Right off the bat, we have a very unpopular yet caring teacher, Gang Orca. he first appears during the pro test game in the series My Hero Academia. His giant whale-shark look gives off a nasty villain vibe, but unlike his appearance, he is a caring guy. He believes tough challenges make a student better so he pushes his students to their limits, testing their power and bonds in the process.
9. Ken Ishiyama – Cementoss

A character who is not unlikable yet not exactly endearing. He has the power to generate cement endlessly and used his skill to break the fight between Izuku and Shota. He is unyielding and strict, but he surely cares for his students. Though much interaction with this character was not shown, his kindness is undeniably projected into his very self.
8. Snipe

A long-distance excellent sniper is always one’s favorite, and so is this person. He is always seen in his hero costume and is a bit mysterious in his own way. When he faced the invisible Toru Hagakure during the test, he was flustered to have touched her and lost his cool. It proved that he too has a cute side.
7. Sekijiro Kan – Vlad

Just as you can tell, Vlad is a teacher with a few vampiric abilities/quirks. He can control blood which is a powerful source in any battle. He is loud, and energetic, yet charming in his own way. When the class is attacked by Dabi’s clone, he was easily able to subdue him and protect the students. He dotes on his students very much and is liked by them simultaneously.
6. Hizashi Yamada – Present Mic

One more character is extremely energetic and obnoxiously loud. First introduced at the start of the series, he left a pretty deep and loud note on the viewer’s mind. He likes attention and is often seen commenting on events. As a friendly and outgoing person, he is a very approachable character. The way he sometimes annoys Aizawa is hilarious.
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5. Anan Kurose – Thirteen

An astronaut costume wearer pro-hero, Thirteen can use heavy suction power that allows him the best defensive ability. She almost got demolished during Nemu’s attack on U.A., yet she still protected the students till the very end. She is barely seen on screen and still didn’t seem to put much effort into being liked. Although the students like her nevertheless.
4. Nemuri Kayama – Midnight

Midnight became an instant fan favorite since her appearance on the show. Having a fun-loving, warm personality helps her in exchanging words with the students. They also love her as a person and is a huge hit among, well mostly everyone.
3. Keigo Takami – Hawks

Be it fighting power or likability, Hawks is a fan favorite as well as a student favorite. He plays a crucial role in developing Tokoyami and his quirk. He tapped into the hidden power of the student and made him understand his own abilities. When Hawks was at his lowest, Tokoyami pulled himself back up. These two had a strong teacher-student bond and are celebrated throughout the anime.
2. Shota Aizawa – Eraser Head

The class teacher of our favorite characters, Class 1-A, Eraser Head unlike his first appearance loves and protects his students greatly. He would go to any length to make sure his students are safe and sound. The sleep-loving teacher seemed worried even during the pro test exams and hoped everyone from his class passes successfully. Moreover, he is a grouchy, yet amusing character.
1. Toshinori Yagi – All Might

Well, this was no surprise, was it? All Might is the pillar of the whole pro-hero world, the ultimate being who every student desires to be. He is kind, funny, and has an impeccable sense of duty. All Might protects not only his students but also civilians from danger. Toshinori or All Might mostly acts as a teacher to our main lead Midoriya Izuku.
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