Hashiras in 'Demon Slayer' are strange beings with enormous strength, talent, and presence. Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira however, managed to stand out from his friends...
Throughout 'Sailor Moon', Usagi develops significantly, going from a young child to a cosmic deity. 'Sailor Moon' is a comedy martial arts series with a...
Unquestionably, one of the most intense and dramatic Shonen series is the 'Dragon Ball' series. The Super Saiyan transformation is among the most well-known...
Despite their small remaining population, the Saiyans are the most potent race of space warriors in the 'Dragon Ball' world. They possess an adaptable...
'Chainsaw Man' watchers are already fixated on one of the main characters. If you haven't guessed, we're talking about Makima, the anime's female heroine,...