HomeCelebrityJ.K. Rowling Hits Back At Doctor Who Proudly Admitted The Horrible Truth...

J.K. Rowling Hits Back At Doctor Who Proudly Admitted The Horrible Truth Behind The Process Of Transitioning Children

The LGBTQ+ community has been battling for rights and recognition for a long time now. And although many celebrities come to their support, there are some who have blasted them severely. J.K. Rowling is one of them. The Harry Potter author has always been open about her not supporting the movement. 

And now, she took to X to talk about how it is the “medical scandal of the century”. This comes after the release of the Cass report, an independent review of gender identity services for children and young people delivered by Britain’s National Health Service. Conducted by Dr. Hilary Cass, the report reads that healthcare providers “have no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.” So let’s see what Rowling has to say. 

Related: J.K. Rowling Calls Out Scottish Transgender Politician Over Accusations Of Her Essay In An Unreleased Book Being “Transphobic Bile”

J.K. Rowling Claps Back At Gender Transition Following The Cass Report 

J.K. Rowling (Image via FirstCuriosity)
J.K. Rowling (Image via FirstCuriosity)

After the Cass Report got published, Rowling took to X to post a series of tweets about it. She has been very active about not supporting trans-gender activities over the years. Rowling even added a video of Dr. Robert Garofalo, who is a top name when it comes to child transition. 

Rowling wrote, “This man boasts about conducting zero psychological evaluation of children, proud that there’s no ‘battery of tests’, explaining that he simply asks the child what their (unprovable, unfalsifiable) ‘gender identity’ is”. She continued to say, “The subtext is clear: unlike the worried parents, he’s the cool dude who really gets what kids want. How can anyone still believe this won’t come to be seen as the medical scandal of the century?”

In Case You Missed: J.K. Rowling Dares Police To Arrest Her Over Scotland’s New Hate Crime Law

J.K. Rowling Blasts Daniel Radcliffe And Emma Watson 

Daniel Radcliffe and J.K. Rowling
Daniel Radcliffe and J.K. Rowling (Image via FirstCuriosity)

‘Harry Potter’ stars Daniel Radcliffe And Emma Watson have been in a constant war of words with Rowling over supporting transgender rights. One person commented, “Just waiting for Dan and Emma to give you a very public apology … safe in the knowledge that you will forgive them.” 

To this, Rowling replied, “Not safe, I’m afraid. Celebs who cozied up to a movement intent on eroding women’s hard-won rights and who used their platforms to cheer on the transitioning of minors can save their apologies for traumatized detransitioners and vulnerable women reliant on single-sex spaces.”

Another user wrote, “Regarding how we have allowed our children to be so let down, I foresee in the future an inquiry on the scale of those of the Post Office and Covid; and an apology akin to that given by the PM recently about the blood scandal.” To this, Rowling replied, “It’s going to be so much worse than either of those, appalling though those scandals are.” She has put forward her tran-phobic views very strongly this time.

Rowling is standing by her stance and taking the opposition head-on, even if it comes at a cost of fame and money.

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Nilova Jasu
Nilova Jasuhttps://firstcuriosity.com/
Nilova Jasu is an entertainment author at FirstCuriosity. With prior experience working at various celebrity blogs, she takes pride in being a know-it-all when it comes to pop culture. Being a student of medicine, Grey's Anatomy is Nilova's 'comfort watch'. A massive fan of Robert Downey Jr, whenever she is not reading up on the latest celebrity scoop on Instagram and Twitter, Nilova's busy buring her head in storybooks, playing with her pet cats or bingeing on the latest Netflix release.

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