“You‘re like my own personal brand of heroin.” The single dialogue by the romantic vampire, Edward Cullen could still kill so many hearts. Edward and Bella are etched in our memory and gave a daring definition to romance. Is there anyone else than Robert Pattinson who could have made the role perfect? Sadly, the author thought so.
For Robert Pattinson, it was a breakthrough role that established him in the industry and in the hearts of many ladies. But Stephenie Meyer had a different actor in mind to portray her cold and distant vampire hero Edward Cullen. And the writer has happily shared many a time about who it is. So who do you think is the better actor who could have been Edward Cullen?
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And It’s Henry Cavill!

It was ‘Man of Steel’ actor Henry Cavill who was in Stephenie Meyer’s mind for her character Edward Cullen. “The most disappointing thing for me is losing my perfect Edward. Henry Cavill is now 24 years old. Let us have a moment of quiet in which to mourn…” the author of ‘Twilight‘, Meyer wrote in her blog. She wrote it along with the announcement that Summit Entertainment had optioned the rights to her book in 2017. Cavill was already there in Meyer’s mind by the film adaptation. But then ‘The Witcher’ actor was 24, too old to play a high school teen. Since Meyer’s No.1 choice aged out, Edward Cullen took shape through Robert Pattinson.
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Cavill On Missing The Chance To Play Edward Cullen

This is not the first time that Henry Cavill is missing iconic roles. From ‘James Bond‘ movies to the ‘Harry Potter‘ movies, there are roles in the films that the actor didn’t get. But Cavill is very positive about it. “Essentially, I got close to a bunch of stuff and didn’t get it, but it’s funny that people think that’s a bad thing,” Cavill said. “In Hollywood — or in the acting industry — everyone’s trying to get a role and they’re not necessarily getting them. And so, to get an opportunity to be in the limelight by missing out on the big roles is actually a good thing as opposed to a bad thing. And I count my lucky stars for each one of those,” the actor joked.
It was after the movie came out that Cavill knew about Meyer’s choice. “Not at all because I didn’t know about the movie,” Cavill said. “I didn’t know about them wanting to cast me and the internet wasn’t quite the tool that it is now and so I only found out afterward. I was like, ‘Oh okay, that would have been cool,’” the actor responded.
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