Marvel’s web-slinger is not just a friendly neighborhood hero, time and again Spider-Man has proven himself worthy. He has whipped up villains twice his size, managed to escape death, and survived trauma. Peter Paker pushes his boundaries, just to be taken seriously. Spider-Man is the type of hero who will throw himself into battle with any enemy no matter how powerful, fighting until they go down or he does.
Despite being worthy enough to wield Thor’s famous hammer, Mjolnir, Spider-Man still becomes powerless when in battle with these 10 superheroes. Know more about the Superheroes and supervillains who managed to crush Marvel’s favorite web-slinger.

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10. Galactus

The superior cosmic being of Marvel, Galactus is an extremely powerful anti-hero. He is neither considered to be a hero nor a villain. There are very few instances when Spider-Man had to deal with cosmic beings. One among many was when the web-slinger Captain Universe powers, granted him amazing cosmic powers. These powers let him beat Firelord, a Herald of Galactus. However, after numerous attempts, Spider-Man failed to defeat Galactus.
9. Juggernaut

It is no secret that Spider-Man is smarter than Juggernaut and has been in combat several times. During their first fight, Peter Parker did not essentially defeat him but instead dumped him into the concrete. And in the second fight, he was assisted by X-Force, but calling it a win, might not be accurate. There are many heroes out there, who are stronger, more powerful, and more agile to defeat Juggernaut, but Spider-Man is not one among them.Â
8. Thanos

The only time Spidey can defeat Thanos is with the help of the Avengers. But in one-on-one combat, the Jade Gaint could easily crush Peter Parker. During the Infinity Gauntlet comic run, Spider-Man attacked Thanos, but it ended with the former’s tragic death.
Terraxia, a woman created by Thanos to love him after Death rejected him for Deadpool, Terraxia brained the Wall-Crawler with a rock. Thanos is proved to be more assertive than Spider-Man in all domains including speed, stamina, experience, combat abilities, and durability.
7. The Beyonder

Spider-Man was a part of Secret Wars and Secret Wars II. Although in the first part, Peter Parker fought alongside the heroes, only Doctor Doom managed to confront the Beyonder all by himself. And in part two of Secret Wars, the Beyonder took a human form and defeated all the heroes who stood in his way. One of them also included Spider-Man. The Beyonder is an extremely powerful being, that no superhero can win against him, let alone Spider-Man.
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6. Hulk

The rage-driven monster is unstoppable when he is on a destructive rampage. Though there are many versions of the Hulk, Spider-Man hasn’t been able to beat any of them. Ample of times, Spider-Man has got caught in the middle of the Jade Gaint’s rampages and even has tried to control him, unfortunately, the web-slinger has not been successful.
Simply because, Hulk is soo much stronger, than Spider-Man even without rage-enhanced strength. Well, Spider-Man might have spider sense and better agility but still has never managed to defeat Hulk.
5. Sabertooth

The arch-nemesis of Wolverine is the deadliest mutant on the planet. Sabertooth is known for his healing factor, strength, his ferocity, and claws, but more importantly, it is that he is highly unreliable with his decision.
No one knows what he will do next, or who is his new victim, which added to Sabertooth’s advantage and has managed him to be a step ahead of Spider-Man. Although when pitted against, both put up a tough fight, Sabertooth is always a step ahead stealing all the wins from the Web-Slinger.
4. Red Hulk

Basically, Hulk and Spider-Man do not get along well. Red Hulk was a hardcore character when introduces as he left behind a trail of broken bloody bodies. Spider-Man and he teamed up at one point and it started with a fight. And as a result, Red Hulk always had the upper hand in the fight. Red Hulk was strong enough to beat everyone he fought, including Spider-Man.
3. Magik

On several occasions, Spider-Man fought against X-Men. But in Avengers Vs X-Men, he went against the New Mutants- Colossus and Magik. Both the mutants were powered by the Phoenix Force and were able to defeat him which turned out to be a part of a plan to distract them so that the Avengers could get away.
Spider-Man managed to turn the two powerful Rasputins against each other, which kept him from being killed. Eventually, both the mutants lost the power of Phoenix. Although Spider-Mna won, he technically did not defeat Magik.
2. Professor X

The telepathic powers allow him to win just about any fight he’s in against someone with no telepathic protection. Although not physically gifted, his brain managed to defeat anyone who goes up against him, even Spider-Man. During the first Secret Wars, the rest of the heroes didn’t exactly trust the X-Men.
At one point, Spider-Man attacked them as they were leaving to join up with Magneto and took down the entire team on his own. It was an impressive history but the fight ended when Professor X got involved. Using his mental powers, he shut Spider-Man down and erased his memory of what happened.
1. Mephisto

Spider-Man is one of the pure-hearted, innocent heroes in the Marvel Universe, who fell for Mephisto’s deals. The deal was to save Aunt May’s life in exchange to wipe off the memories of Spider-Man and Mary Jane’s marriage. Just as Mephisto wanted, Spider-man fell for the Devil’s deal.
However, Spider-Man did not win against Mephisto, just accepted his deal. The witty devil won against Spider-Man without even involving in combat. However, this deal was a trick played by Mephisto as he knew Peter Parker is a sucker for survivor’s guilt. Although a mortal, Spider-Man is still a hero and the devil would have never succeeded in persuading him to leave innocents at risk.
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