Sylvie made her MCU debut in the ‘Loki‘ season one and immediately rose to popularity as one of Loki’s beloved variants. She became the most notable character and a huge success because of her unique origin.
Although season two of ‘Loki’ wrapped up Sylvie’s storyline, it is still not the end. Even though Sylvie’s future seems on a turbulent path, but Marvel might have big plans with the character because of her close ties with a multiverse.

A TVA-Centric Show Might Be Helmed By Sylvie

‘Loki’ seasons one and two witnessed destruction and bestir of the TVA and as the organization is deeply connected with the multiverse, it will be featured in the upcoming Marvel films as Phase Five has teased the events of the multiverse.
Despite Sylvie’s rough history with the TVA, she has managed to create a variety of allies within the organization including Casey, Hunter B-15, Mobius, and Ouroboros. The finale of ‘Loki’ season two showed Mobius and company rebuilding the TVA after Loki’s sacrifice, and Sylvie making her peace with it. Now might find herself in TVA again if needed.
‘What If…?’ Might Explore Sylvie’s Story From A New Perspective

‘What If…?’ was created to explore the infinite possibilities of the MCU and how it would change the fate of the franchise. But with the rumors of season three in the works, there is a chance that Sylvie might feature in the series. However, her plotlines have a lot of stories that will make it to the show’s upcoming season.
The new season of ‘What If…?’ might also explore the dilemma Sylvie faced – it was to listen to Loki or go through with her wish to kill He Who Remains, and a world where she was convinced to stand down by Loki would’ve changed every event of ‘Loki’ season two.
Sylvie Might Be A Crucial Part Of A-Force

A-Force is Marvel’s first all-female Avengers team that made their debut in ‘Avengers: Endgame’. Despite the failed setup, A-Force might get a second chance. If that happens Sylvie will be included since she is one of the MCU’s strongest and most knowledgeable female heroes.
However, the Loki variant has yet to interact with the heroes outside the Loki universe. But this is likely to happen as Sylvie’s new chapter of living begins with a free multiverse that opens up the possibility of relationships that she can form.
In case you missed: Did Loki Create The TVA?
‘Loki’ Season 3 Might Still Happen With Sylvie In The Lead

Season 2 finale of ‘Loki’ showed the personal growth of each character with Loki sacrificing himself to become the God of Stories and Sylvie being gifted the life of normalcy. Not only is Loki the MCU’s most popular series, but there is now a storyline set up for the characters in a potential season three.
Marvel could make Sylvie the center of ‘Loki’ season 3 as she has already proven that she can hold her own as a character well.
‘Thor 5’ Can Explore Sylvie’s Asgardian Roots

Thor is the only Marvel superhero who has four solo films and has the possibility of a fifth one. While Marvel is yet to confirm it, Thor’s story arc might have a lot to offer especially because the Son of Odin believes his brother is dead and is unaware of his TVA escapades. Although Sylvie went into hiding at a young age, she is still a Loki and therefore an Asgardian at heart.
She might not have much motive at the moment to get involved with anything Asgard-related event as she is focused on TVA, but it’s a possibility. She might hear about the destruction of Asgard after the events of ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ and might want to witness the rebuilt civilization of New Asgard for herself.
Sylvie Can Help In ‘Avengers 5’ And ‘Avengers: Secret Wars’

Since Phase Five is focused on the multiverse Sylvie might be the only one who is aware of the multiverse to the core, hence her involvement with ‘Avengers Five’ and ‘Avengers: Secret Wars’ might be possible. Season Two of ‘Loki‘ ends with the God of Mischief sacrificing himself to an eternity of isolation when he chooses to hold the timelines together at the End of Time.
Now that Loki is watching over all of the timelines, he has become the center of the MCU’s Multiverse Saga. And thus he is playing the role of He Who Remains. Sylvie is now a leading authority on the multiverse topic and her original goal was killing He Who Remains to save the timelines who deserved to be free making her a secret weapon in favor of the Avengers.