Loki season two ended, leaving the fans bittersweet with the God of Mischeif’s memories. Over the years Loki has managed to win the fandom, and now they cannot get over him, wanting more of the Asgardian God.
Season two was overwhelming as it opened many possibilities for a potential season three. ‘Loki’ season 2’s finale is massive for the MCU as well as for the God of Mischief who’s found his ultimate glorious purpose while saving the TVA.

Read also: Did Loki Create The TVA?
What Does Loki Becoming God Of Stories Mean?

The season finale witnesses Loki meeting a complete character arc. Loki becomes a new god- the God of Stories who is now an integral part of the stability of the entire multiverse. In the season finale, Loki destroyed the Sacred Timeline to destroy He Who Remains and it had grave consequences. Destroying the timeline resulted in the branches all coexisting in a conjoined multiverse, hence putting Loki at the center and binding everything together in a new Yggdrassil-style tree of time.
What Happens To TVA Now?

TVA is no longer the same. After Loki’s sacrifice in becoming the God of Stories, TVA found its new mission and purpose. The new missions include being on the lookout for the variants of He Who Remains’. This will also bring back Kang from ‘Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania‘. There is a possibility that the TVA and its new status quo will be featured in the MCU’s future, especially with the Multiverse Saga persisting into Phase 6 with ‘Avengers: Secret Wars’.
In case you missed: Loki Season 3: Will Disney Renew The Series For A Third Season Or Is This The End Of Loki?
How Did Loki Save The Multiverse?

The season finale focuses on Loki’s personal growth and his journey of self-introspection. The episode continued after episode five’s frustrating cliffhanger, when Loki spent centuries to ensure that Loom was stable, sadly, his attempts were not successful. He discovered the problem would persist no matter how many attempts unless He Who Remains and the TVA were allowed to exist as they had been before.
Loki then chooses to break the loop to change the existing equation, intentionally destroying the Temporal Loom while using his powers to save all the branched timelines. This sacrifice resulted in him, becoming a new god- God of Stories and also a new and living Temporal Loom for the entire multiverse.
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