    HomeMarvelMarvel Fans Are Scared Of Kevin Feige’s Announcement Of 'Eternals' Part 2 

    Marvel Fans Are Scared Of Kevin Feige’s Announcement Of ‘Eternals’ Part 2 

    Usually, a sequel is what fans are most excited about. However, this time Marvel fans are not at all excited, but rather scared after Kevin Feige’s announcement. It is no secret that after ‘Endgame’ Phase Four of Marvel has flopped miserably. Almost every project has disappointed fans so far. 

    And even though ‘Eternals’ had a stunning cast, the film failed miserably at the box office. And the Marvel fandom has been heartbroken ever since Iron Man passed away in ‘Avengers: Endgame’. So let’s take a look at some more details. 

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    Kevin Feige Announces ‘Eternals 2


    Even with an absolutely star-studded cast, Marvel’s Eternals failed miserably at the box office. Directed by Chloe Zhao, the project was his debut in Marvel. However, viewers rejected the project because of its predictable storyline and poor screenplay. Now, Kevin Feige is all set to greenlight a sequel project of ‘Eternals’. 

    In ‘Eternals 2’ the expected antagonist would likely be Eros aka Starfox, brother of the Mad Titan Thanos. Kit Harrington’s Dane Whitman aka Black Knight is also expected to get more screen time and have his story told in the sequel. 

    Moreover, an open-ended ending in part one tells us that maybe Kevin Feige already had plans for a sequel. At the end of part one we saw that Sersi destroyed Tiamut and thwarted the Celestialsʼ plans by choosing Earth over her original mission. This could be another central storyline in part 2. 

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    Why Are Fans Not Happy About ‘Eternals 2’?


    Kevin Feige, the new head of Marvel has not yet proved his worth to the fans. After the huge failure of Marvel Phases four and five, viewers have grown wary of new projects from Marvel. This time is no different. 

    Just as news of Kevin Feige green lighting ‘Eternals 2’ reached social network viewers are protesting against the decision. Social media is flooding with dissent, outcries, and disagreements from fans. Viewers are mostly not happy that Feige is choosing a flop movie for a sequel. 

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    Nilova Jasu
    Nilova Jasu
    Nilova Jasu is an entertainment author at FirstCuriosity. With prior experience working at various celebrity blogs, she takes pride in being a know-it-all when it comes to pop culture. Being a student of medicine, Grey's Anatomy is Nilova's 'comfort watch'. A massive fan of Robert Downey Jr, whenever she is not reading up on the latest celebrity scoop on Instagram and Twitter, Nilova's busy buring her head in storybooks, playing with her pet cats or bingeing on the latest Netflix release.

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