HomeMovies‘Harry Potter’: 10 Amazing Magical Jobs In The Wizarding World

‘Harry Potter’: 10 Amazing Magical Jobs In The Wizarding World

At least once, every Potterhead has fantasized about living in the wizarding world. J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series was a magical escape for viewers, quite literally. Fans categorize themselves as part of the Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff houses. In fact, the author created a fantasy media franchise, titled ‘Wizarding World’, where fans can experience a taste of the magical life online.

The ‘Harry Potter‘ series had many attractions, including the Three Broomsticks’ butterbeer, Quidditch tournaments, and, certainly, schooling in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In ‘Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix’, the students were counseled on the various career options they could embrace. Here are ten awesome magical jobs in the wizarding world that can be your next fantasy.

10. Professor

Harry Potter and The Philosepher’s Stone (Image: Warner Bros.)

This profession is universally available to any subject of study, whether mathematics or Defence Against the Dark Arts. However, the teaching staff of Hogwarts has proven that educating the young can be an admirable profession.

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Rarely would one dislike Professor McGonagall’s strict demeanor with a shade for the hilarious. Remarkably talented, Albus Dumbledore chose to use his skills to teach and research. Professor Binns’s deceased status brings him more credit for teaching the history of magic.

9. Healer

Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone (Image: Warner Bros.)

The students and teachers of Hogwarts rightly depended on Madam Poppy Pomfrey, as the school’s warnings did not include the possibility of disappearing bones or petrified students from a basilisk’s sight.

A healer is another intriguing vocation that includes the study of magical elements and their medicinal effects. As made distinctly clear in ‘Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix,’ healers are different from Muggle doctors. The magical world does not believe in stitching up people with threads.

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8. Wandmaker

Wandmaker in 'Harry Potter' series (Image: WB)
Wandmaker in ‘Harry Potter’ series (Image: WB)

This discipline is a fascinating combination of studying lore, trees with wand-quality wood, and hunting for cores, dragon heartstrings, for instance. Wandmaking requires delicate and skilled craftsmanship as each wand is unique suiting the wizard.

In ‘The Deathly Hallows Part 2‘, viewers learn that wands have individual intelligence as they choose the wizard. Other than Olivander in London, Mykew Gregorovitch in Germany is another wandmaker mentioned in the ‘Harry Potter’ series. According to the ‘Tale of The Three Brothers‘, even Death created a wand, popularly known as The Elder Wand.

7. Magizoologist

Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (Image: Warner Bros.)

Newt Scamander gave this profession a new direction with his book ‘Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them’. Magizoology includes the study of magical creatures and their habitat. “Only blinkered people” would find these creatures as terrifying. Many creatures could be helpful to the wizarding society. Thunderbird’s venom has obliviating properties and the Qilin senses leadership within an individual and bows to them. Later in the ‘Harry Potter’ series, Newt’s book is included in the readings of the Care of Magical Creatures class.

6. Professional Quidditch Player

Quidditch Field (Image: Wirazding World)

Much like the Muggle universe, sports is also a popular career option in the wizarding world. Quidditch is an international favorite in the magical community. Ron worshipped Viktor Krum of the Bulgarian team, the star seeker before he started dating Hermoine.

Related: Why Harry Potter Never Tried A Career In Professional Quidditch

The matches can run faster than basketball. However, the sport comes with its drawbacks, where people are known to disappear for months and some referees even end up in the Sahara Desert.

5. Unspeakables

Department of Mysteries (Image: Wizarding World)

The Department of Mysteries was the Area 51 of the Ministry of Magic in the ‘Harry Potter’ series. The Unspeakables were the workers in this department. They were called so because they were denied to speak of their work or projects. However, in the Battle in the Department of Mysteries, we are given a glimpse of the office. The Love Room is always kept closed. Time is studied in the Time Room with a shelf of Ministry’s time turners. The Death Room has a stone-arched door where Sirius Black died.

4. Ministry Of Magic Official

Harry Potter and The Order Of Phoenix (Image: Warner Bros.)

The Ministry of Magic offers ample opportunity and employment to the wizarding world. If you have a clerical temperament, the ministry would make a fine choice. The Ministry houses numerous departments, Magical Law Enforcement for instance.

The office of the Ministry is a cultural heritage itself. While low-tiered jobs could be tedious, one can work up to the Minister of Magic, leader of the British Magical Forces.

3. Curse-Breakers

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (Image: Warner Bros.)

While a banker in Gringotts might be friendly to the pocket, Curse-Breaker sounds like a more adventurous occupation. Ron’s elder brother, Bill, is employed by Gringotts as a curse-breaker.

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The profession entails the study of the ancient runes, charms, and defense against the dark arts. As employed by Gringgots, the job requires removing magical enchantment, for illicit use, submitted to the bank.

2. Dragon Keeper

Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire (Image: Warner Bros.)

Hagrid would reveal any Hogwarts secrets again to work with dragons. Dragon Keepers study and maintain colonies of dragons. Ron’s other brother, Charlie, worked with dragons in Romania. Although the job sounds adventurous, it comes with its risks. Fire-breathing dragons are no domestic creatures. Dragons, however, are the source of research for many subjects. For instance, Dumbledore discovers twelve uses of dragon’s blood alone in the books.

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1. Auror

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (Image: Warner Bros)

This was the most coveted occupation in the ‘Harry Potter’ series. Auror requires a thorough study of defense against the dark arts, potions, charms, transfiguration, and herbology. Preparing students would need to pass a three-year training program.

Related: ‘Harry Potter’: Top 10 Inspirational Quotes By Albus Dumbledore

Mad-Eye Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt are some renowned Aurors. The profession is rewarding and ambitious, probably that is why Harry and Ron were ambitious about becoming aurors.

Sarah Kandari
Sarah Kandarihttps://firstcuriosity.com/
Sarah Kandari is a cinephile who might have ended up as a couch potato had she not started writing for the entertainment website, First Curiosity. She loves to read with a cup of coffee. You might recognize her as the girl with a pen in her bun that she has forgotten is there. She is a Delhi University graduate with a major in English Literature.

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