The holiday season is here. The bells are jingling and the Christmas trees are up in the square. And everything and everyone is in a festive mood. Christmas bonuses will be awarded to specific groups, differing from state to state this year. This will serve as an early surprise gift for all the employees.
There are many benefit checks and pandemic relief programs going around in different states helping out people with various necessities. Though teachers are the main benefactors, there will be other employees receiving benefits too. Here’s all about who is eligible and how much extra cash would be offered by the state to the people.
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Christmas Bonus For Teachers

The surprise bonus decided for this year is $1000. Teachers in the country will be receiving this early Christmas bonus for all the services they have provided in these difficult times. Many schools in Anne Arundel County will be receiving the bonus even before the end of the year. In Maryland too, many public schools will be receiving bonuses across the state.
As Mark Bedell, Super Intendent remarked the bonus is to reward the “work you are doing in the face of some stiff challenges.” He deems the effort to be “incredible“. Further, he also detailed how important every role in a school system is, as it benefits to shape the future of a student.
In addition, the school boards have informed that the bonuses are to roll out on December 16 to most of the employees. The bonuses will be pro-rated based on the worker’s full-time equivalency. However, those on Leave of Absence will only get their Christmas bonuses at a later period.
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Other Bonuses Offered In Some States

Along with regular teachers, instructional specialists, interventionists, and special education coordinators are also eligible for the above-mentioned bonuses. There are states offering bonuses to employees other than ones related to the education department too.
The Department of Human Services will give out $500 payments in the state of Tennessee. The people eligible for this bonus are the ones who are participating in the state’s Families First Program (FFP). The bonus is available from December 1. This early Christmas surprise is aimed to help around 24,000 children during the festive season.
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