The all-swooning and romantic story of Princess Diana and King Charles came to an end long ago. They had seemed like the perfect royal couple when they got married. Although, later the world found out the truth about the relationship. The details prove that the relationship was not the fairy tale the people thought it was.
Princess Diana without a doubt is an icon of the world and one of the biggest topics of interest. The marriage of Charles and Diana caused one of the biggest stirs in the U.K. People had several questions like did they really love each other? Why did they get engaged so fast? Let’s visit the royal past and take a look at the timeline of Princess Diana and then Prince Charles’ story.
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How Did The Former Royal Couple Meet?

King Charles and Diana met at the Spencer family home in Althorp during a shooting party. He was a guest of her sister, Sarah Spencer since they were already friends. “We sort of met in a plowed field,” said Diana in an interview after their engagement in 1981.”I remember thinking what a very jolly and amusing and attractive 16-year-old she was,” Charles recalled in the interview. “I mean, great fun, and bouncy and full of life and everything.” Diana also confessed that her first impression of the Prince was pretty amazing. They were unaware of their fates at the time that they met. But, as they became friends and got closer, he realized that Diana was the one for him.
Although nothing much happened after their first meeting as they didn’t see much of each other for about two years. During this time Charles even dated Diana’s sister Sarah. When Diana went to stay at her friend Philip de Pass’s house, the two got some alone time as the Prince of Wales was also visiting the region. Diana revealed their passionate hookup and said, “The next minute he lept on me practically.” After that, the couple didn’t waste much of their time and got engaged. “We met 13 times and we got married,” revealed Princess Diana.
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Princess Diana And King Charles’ Royal Wedding

Princess Diana, the enigma she was, broke a lot of conventions at her royal wedding. The wedding was unique from the dress to the venue itself. The ceremony took place at St. Paul’s cathedral in London and not at the Royal Church at Westminister Abbey where most royal weddings occurred. You will be in awe to hear about Diana’s extravagant dress. The white gown was designed by David and Elizabeth Emanuel. It was covered in 10,000 pearls and was complete with a 25-foot train, which was the longest in royal history. The streets were flooded with around 600,000 people who were trying to catch a glance of the bride-to-be in her gorgeous looks on her special day.
The ceremony wasn’t small either, there were 3,500 guests including the bride and groom’s close family. From Diana’s ring to the cake and the vows everything was indeed breathtaking. Princess Diana was the first royal to omit the word “obey” from her wedding vows. Prince William and Princess Kate later did the same at their wedding in 2011. Diana’s ring was made from a 12-carat sapphire stone surrounded by 14 solitaire diamonds. The ring now belongs to Kate Middleton after Prince William used it to propose to her in 2010.
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