One of the most popular shonen anime nowadays is ‘Chainsaw Man‘. In the anime, some people hunt the devils known as devil hunters, who make contracts with other devils to help them. It is not known who made the first contract with a devil or when as it was already common for devil hunters to make contracts with devils when the story of ‘Chainsaw Man‘ started.
While every devil hunter must know some way to defend themselves, such as martial arts or be adept at using firearms, all of these abilities would be useless if they fought a mid-level demon. Therefore contracts are necessary. Let’s understand how these contracts work.

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What Are Devil Contracts?

Contracts as the name suggests, are formed when there is mutual benefaction for both parties. The devil and the devil hunter would each lay out their terms and what they would like to obtain from the contracts. Each party would also state the price they are willing to pay to get their terms realized. The devil hunters form contracts with devils because without the help of devils, they cannot defeat devils. It is the same concept as fighting fire with fire.
Generally, the higher the terms higher the return would be. The contract would be verbal, as mentioned above, the parties would state their price and terms. The contract is binding and it cannot be undone unless and until both parties are willing to end the contract. However, there have been cases where the devil was able to rescind the contract without any viable consequences, but these cases are extremely rare. In most scenarios, it is the devil hunter who approaches the devil intending to form a contract but in some cases, the devil also approaches the hunter.
Every time the devil hunter calls for the devil, a part of the devil is summoned and it would help the hunter to defeat the opposite demon. The private devil hunters, themselves look for devils to form contracts with. But the members of Public Safety Devil Hunter can use the devils the institution has access to.
Why Do The Devils Make Contracts?

While it is clear why a devil hunter would want to form a contract, it is unclear why a devil would agree to be summoned. A devil generally gets something out of the contract. It can be the contractor’s body part, a little of their life spans, or the lifespans of people they have control over. Though in the case of Pochita and Denji, the former wanted nothing more than Denji to live his life to the fullest. These types of contracts are very rare as it suggests that the devil and the devil hunter are emotionally attached.
The contracts are in no way exclusive which implies that one devil may form contracts with multiple devil hunters and the devil hunters can make contracts with numerous devils. The devils when they form contracts with various people, get life spans, parts of their bodies, etc. This incentivizes them to form contracts which in turn help the devil hunters. This is how a devil contract works in ‘Chainsaw Man‘.
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