‘Demon Slayer’ has a great story and character arcs. Fans love the anime for its storyline and animation. However, there are certain questions that the fans have concerning the plotline and the characters. Kibutsuji Muzan is the strongest living character in the series. Defeating him is very difficult and even the combined Hashira had trouble fighting him.
This makes fans wonder about one thing. If Kibutsuji Muzan and the upper moons are extremely powerful, then why didn’t they eliminate the Hashira and the demon slayer corps from the get-go? The upper moons and the demon king could have easily eliminated the corps.Â
Who Are The Hashira?

The Hashira are the pillars of defense against demon kind. They are the backbone of the demon Slayer corps and they sustain the organization. They are the strongest demon slayers and they are strong enough to combat the members of the twelve kizuki. Hashira are at the top of the hierarchy in the corps. However, they answer to one person and that is the head of the Ubuyashiki household.Â
A Hashira is very valuable to humanity and they are assigned to missions only when the other corp members are unable to fulfill it. However, they are given an area to patrol and find any demons lying in that area.
At a given time, there are a total of nine Hashira. Whilst the Hashira can have any breathing style, the fire and water breathing have always been a part of the pillars. To become a Hashira, a demon slayer needs to kill over 50 demons or he has to defeat a member of the 12 Kizuki. Another method is to become the Tsuguko of another Hashira and succeed them if they die.Â
Why Didn’t Muzan And The Upper Moons Kill The Hashira And The Corps?

Contrary to what people believe Muzan is a coward. He hid for a long time after he battled Yoriichi and he rarely comes out. Only the upper moons are aware of his location and he doesn’t meet with them frequently either. Therefore Muzan wouldn’t himself go to attack the entirety of the Hashira himself because he’ll be scared. He didn’t give the order to the upper moons either.Â
To attack all the Hashira and the corps at the same time, the demons would have to enter the Ubuyashiki mansion. The mansion is very well hidden and is surrounded by Wisteria flowers which are poisonous to demons. They cannot burn the forest either as the smoke might poison them. In addition to that, since they would be attacking the headquarters of the corps, they could very well be trapped inside.Â
Therefore, Muzan asked his moons to kill all the corps including Hashira, but he never gave them the order to attack them at the Ubuyashiki mansion. The upper moons attack the Hashira separately.Â
In case you missed: ‘Demon Slayer’: What Is Nakime’s Blood Demon Art And How Did She Join The 12 Kizuki?