TV Shows, though greatly entertaining, have a way of depicting real-life situations like no other which is emphasized by the number of embarrassment-inducing moments just the same. Of all the feelings involved while watching these shows, the secondhand embarrassment while catching a character make the worst choices, or seeing a situation make the worst turn is one we seem to remember the most.
When you can’t choose between making a face or completely looking away, that’s when you know a cringeworthy scene has been shown properly. With this in mind, Let us revisit 10 such TV Show moments that made us cringe.
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10. ‘Friends’: Ross Tries To Make A Move On His Cousin

Out of all the cringe-worthy moments in ‘Friends’, this one is for the books as we saw Ross make some very questionable decisions in this episode. Ross’ (David Schwimmer) interactions with his cousin Cassie (Denise Richards) made us all have a big question mark on our faces with a hint of disgust. As Cassie visits her cousins in Central Park, Ross points out how much Cassie has grown since they were children, he becomes attracted to her and eventually tries to kiss her while they watch a movie. Although Friends has many embarrassing moments, incest being a part of it was not expected at all!
9. ‘Euphoria’: Kat Cooks Up Illnes To Break Up With Ethan

Being so very obvious while lying was something Kat seemed to be great at during this scene and it made the ‘Euphoria’ watchers question whether they should be angry or laugh. Some even described this moment as ridiculous when Kat is seen lying about having a brain disorder just so she doesn’t have to say out loud why she wants to break up with Ethan. It was a true depiction of immaturity, stupidity, and absolute cringe.
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8. ‘Riverdale’: The Epic Highs And Lows Of High School Football
It’s a known opinion of many that if you want to experience secondhand embarrassment, confusion and cringe all at once, ‘Riverdale’ is the right show for you. When Archie romanticizes playing high school football in prison with a completely serious face while every inmate listens sincerely, it is too hard for us to not laugh. This moment was so ridiculous that it instantly became funny.
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7. ‘Ginny And Georgia’: Ginny Salutes Marcus After Meeting His Girlfriend
Don’t some scenes just make you think “Why did the writers think this would look cool?” as you actively wince? Well, watching this scene from the Netflix Original ‘Ginny and Georgia’ feels exactly like that. Although Ginny seemed like she was thinking this would look classy, it was quite the opposite. But this scene did properly confirm that Ginny is a true high schooler at heart.
Related: Is ‘Ginny & Georgia’ Just A Darker Version Of ‘Gilmore Girls’?
6. ‘Pretty Little Liars’: Ezra Tells Aria’s Parents He Loves Her
Okay so just to get the story straight- in the infamous ‘Pretty Little Liars’, Ezra started to have an affair with Aria when she was in high school and he was her teacher! Telling your girlfriend’s parents that you started dating her when she was 16 and you were 24 and that you’re in love with her doesn’t exactly make up for a big romantic gesture or cover up the fact that this is practically illegal. It was quite embarrassing to see this moment unfold considering the number of questionable decisions made in one frame.
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5. ‘New Girl’: Jess Finds Out Robby Is Her Cousin

If I had a nickel for every time incest is mentioned while discussing cringe-worthy moments, I’d have two nickels- which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice. In the 7th Season of the widely loved ‘New Girl’, Jess finds out that the man whom she had been dating for a while now is her third cousin. Although accidental, it was still unsettling to find out that Robbie and Jess dated in the past.
4. ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ – Jake’s Roleplay With The Medical Examiner

Although Jake is known to be a goofy up-for-anything man in the initial seasons of ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’, his decision to roleplay with medical examiner Dr. Rossi (Mary Elizabeth Ellis) stands out as one that crosses a line. Jake pretending to be a dead body to pave their way into intimacy was quite bizarre and creepy to watch, but at least the question “How weird is too weird?” was answered with this scene.
3. ‘Friends’ – Ross Bringing A Picnic To Rachel’s Job
Ross is officially the cringe king with the amount of times he has made us wince while watching the show. Sometimes we couldn’t help but feel bad for Rachel because of how ignorant Ross could be. This particular moment when Ross “took” a picnic to Rachels work was so out of line that it fuels anger and embarrassment all at once.
2. ‘Gilmore Girls’ – Rory Sleeps With Dean After His Marriage

Yet another moment that we wish didn’t happen because of how much ignorance and lack of accountability are involved is shown perfectly in ‘Gilmore Girls’. This scene did not just induce cringe but also feelings of anger and ignorance as Rory loses her virginity to Dean, who had recently gotten married to Lindsey, and tries to justify it to her mother without seeing how she is the problem. Frustration and cringe is an understatement of how we felt while watching this scene.
1. ‘The Office’ – Michael Kissing Oscar
‘The Office’ is already known to be a bundle of cringeworthy moments all put together, but this particular moment was such a hard watch. Though it’s no news that Michael has his peculiar ways of doing things with good intentions, this scene where Micheal tries to “normalize” being gay is just so bad. Not considering Oscar’s personal space, Michael attempts to “embrace” him in front of the entire office to show how accepting he is of Oscar’s sexuality. Their coworkers’ reactions in the scene are exactly how we as watchers felt while enduring this amount of cringe.
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