Netflix recently premiered the series Inventing Anna based on a true story. The series tells the story of Anna Delvey who posed as a German heiress and scammed the elite class of New York. The show is based on an article by journalist Jessica Pressler who covered the whole story. Moreover, she interviewed the convicted Anna Sorokin and her peers. New York Magazine covered the story in 2018 through Pressler’s article.
The Intriguing Case of Anna Delvey
The real Anna Sorokin adopted the name Delvey as confirmed by her parents. Anna Sorokin was a Russian-born but German-raised girl who scammed her way through the social class of New York. Sorokin scammed thousands of dollars from her elite peers on the pretext of launching a member’s only club called the Anna Delvey Foundation in the year 2013-2017.
The scam was uncovered in 2017 when Anna failed to pay for the accommodations of her stay with three friends while on a Moroccan Trip. A friend covered her bills in Morocco. Later, the same friend eventually uncovered her truth of being a con. Subsequently, it was discovered that Sorokin has scammed many hotels, financial institutions, and banks. Moreover, several unpaid bills emerged from many Manhattan hotels where Anna stayed.
The Police arrested Anna in 2017 and charged her with grand larceny, attempted grand larceny, and theft of services. Moreover, they convicted her for charges relating to several instances of wire fraud, fraudulent loan applications, and failure to pay bills. The approximate amount of her scam sat around $200,000. Afterward, the court finally convicted her of all the charges. And sentenced her to 4-12 years of prison in 2019.
Later in February 2021, the court granted her release 4 months before her set sentence span. She apologized at her parole hearing, “I just want to say that I’m really ashamed and I’m really sorry for what I did, I completely understand that a lot of people suffered when I thought I was not doing anything wrong.” The whole story was covered by journalist Jessica Pressler who interviewed Anna in 2018. Additionally, she also interviewed the scammed peers. New York Magazine featured her article and broke the now-infamous scam story of Anna Delvey in 2018.
Inventing Anna: The Netflix Series
Inventing Anna stars Julia Garner as Anna Delvey. Moreover, the mini-series stars Anna Chlumsky as Vivian Kent who depicts journalist Jessica Pressler. The series debuted on Netflix on January 11 and has garnered a high viewership. The series features a total of 9 episodes covering the whole story from Anna’s scam to her final conviction in 2019.