‘Game of Thrones‘, based on the portions of ‘Fire & Blood‘ written by George R.R. Martin, was brought to screen in 2011. With its prequel ‘House of the Dragon‘ taking over television, we have to admit that the shows have the best cinematic battles, gruesome deaths, and twisted plotlines.
‘Game of Thrones‘ did not show any mercy while killing off the characters from the show. Long before the story even began, the writers cut out characters like Queen Rahella Targaryen, Lady Joanna Lannister, and Brandon Stark, but the list doesn’t end here. The most anticipated battle – the battle of Winterfell accounted for many tragic deaths, and hardly a few characters made it out alive. Many important characters saw their end, much like the violent Red Wedding episode.
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Battle Of Winterfell

Season eight, episode three ‘The Long Night’ of ‘Game of Thrones‘ witnessed the most promising epic battle: The battle of Winterfell. It is the final battle of the Great War between an alliance of living armies, which included forces of Starks, Targaryens, and Arryns against the army of death led by the White Walkers. This gruesome and dark battle takes place at Winterfell, the capital of North and the seat of House Stark. It was an intense fight and not everyone made it out alive.
Here’s the list of the characters who died in the battle.
1. The Night King

Night King, the master and first of the White Walker since the existence of the First man. He is also the supreme leader of the Army of Death. The Night King was immortal, could control the weather and seismic activity, and was fire-immune. How can one die when possessed with strong qualities? Arya Stark attacked the Night King from behind with her Valyrian steel dagger. Unfortunately, he grabs her by throat trying to kill her. But skilled Arya dropped the dagger, catching it with her free hand, and plunges it into the Night King’s chest, causing him to explode into shards of ice. The most satisfying death of the episode.
2. Melisandre

The death of the Red Witch is a sacrificial one. Melisandre has the power to resurrect people from death and because of her enchanted ruby necklace, she managed to slow her aging. She is cold and poison resistant. After Stannis’s death, she revived Jon Snow and served him as an advisor, until she was banished. Melisandre’s presence inspires Arya to slay the Night King destroying all the White Walkers. With her destiny fulfilled, she strides out of the gates of Winterfell and discards her cloak and Asshai’i necklace, revealing her true self. She is turned into dust before sunrise, just like her promise to Davos.
3. Viserion

Viserion is one of the three dragons born in the wasteland, beyond Lyhazar along with Drogon and Rhaegal. He is named in memory of Danny’s elder brother Viserys. Distinguished by his cream and golden scales with orange wings, he came the ice dragon, enslaved by Night King. He was Danny’s former favorite ride, unfortunately, killed, then retrieved in the last season as an undead ice dragon.
Related: What Are Ice Dragons In ‘A Song Of Ice And Fire’ And How Are They Different From Normal Dragons?
4. Lyanna Mormont

Little Lady Lyanna Mormont died an underserving death. Lady of Bear Island and head and House Mormont was an intelligent and effective leader. She passed by attacking a zombie ice gaint with her dragonglass dagger. Lyanna was later resurrected as an ice zombie by the Night King.
5. Lord Beric Dondarria

The loyal warrior sacrificed himself to rescue Arya Stark from a band of wights. Lord Berric Dondarrian was the lord of BlackHavan and leader of House Dondarrian. He has the ability to coat the blade of his sword in flames simply by running his hand across it. Lord Beric is a fierce warrior and a committed leader. He showed a dry sense of humor and always kept his calm under distressing situations.
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6. Ser Jorah Mormont

Jorah Mormont was an exiled North Lord from Westeros. He was Daenerys Targaryen’s most loyal advisor and a formidable warrior. And had a deep respect, loyalty, and love for Daenerys. He is the only one who died living out his fantasy death – protecting his queen and the love of his life. He was intelligent, traveled, well-literate and multilingual. Jorah was the one to help Danny speak Dothraki.
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7. Theon Greyjoy

Theon Greyjoy was the youngest son of King Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. His death was no surprise, but he died sacrificing himself as Bran, which seemed out of character. But Bran told him he was “a good man” first, so he died at peace. He was weak and often unaware of his actions.
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8. Dolorous Edd

Dolorous Edd known as Eddison Tollett was a steward of the Night’s Watch and a close companion of Jon Snow. He had a rather pessimistic outlook on life. After saving Samwell Tarly from a wight, he is stabbed in the back by another, dying before Sam’s eyes. Dolores’s corpse is reanimated by the Night King and others who did not survive, and then destroyed once the Night King was defeated.
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