HomeNews‘Pretty Little Liars’ Author Sara Shepard Reveals The Deadly Plot Twist Where...

‘Pretty Little Liars’ Author Sara Shepard Reveals The Deadly Plot Twist Where Hanna Turned Murderer Due To ‘Relentless Bullying’

All the ‘Pretty Little Liars’ enthusiasts need to sit down. We have new intel on the things that could have been. Sara Shepard, the brilliant puppeteer behind the strings of Rosewood’s most enigmatic mysteries, just pulled back the curtain on what could have been the most jaw-dropping twist in PLL history!

In a move that’s giving us all a nostalgic feel, author Shepard spills some of the tea. The drop was made in an Instagram reel titled ‘Almost Plotlines,’ and trust us, it’s juicier than A’s secret lair. So, grab your black hoodies, and keep an eye out for red coats. It’s time to get ready to dive into the abyss of what might’ve been in the world of our favorite liars!

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Hanna’s Almost Deadly Arch In ‘Pretty Little Liars’

Hanna Marin
Hanna Marin

Sara Shepard, the mind behind the iconic ‘Pretty Little Liars‘ series, recently dropped the biggest bomb in an Instagram reel titled ‘Almost Plotlines.’ Among the intriguing discarded drafts shared on the video, one particular drew the debate lines through the PLL fandom. 

Shepard disclosed that she had once contemplated a dark storyline for Hanna Marin, one of the beloved characters. One where she would take a drastic turn due to “relentless bullying” and end the life of Alison DiLaurentis. This revelation has fans buzzing with questions about what could have been in the dark and mysterious world of Rosewood.

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Sara Shepard’s Deadly Drafts Caused Debates On The Internet

Sara Shepard
Sara Shepard

Sara’s almost plotlines left fans with lots of questions and let’s be honest here, a lot more opinions. Shepard is known for building very layered and detailed characters and the idea of the seemingly sweet and loyal Hanna Marin snapping and killing her bully excited some fans.

Some fans reacted by expressing how this left-behind plotline would have made the story even better.

Even the thought of it made such a difference only if she converted into an action,” one user on X said. Another one supported with “Oh this would’ve been good”.

Among the many excited fans, there were some being grateful this one twist remained in the drafts. “Thank God she didn’t. would’ve ruined the show,” said one fan proving there are always opinion clashes on the internet.

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Akshita Singh
Akshita Singhhttps://firstcuriosity.com/
Akshita Singh is a Senior Content Writer at First Curiosity. She has been churning out content for 2 years. She's an avid reader and writer, fascinated by the works of Sylvia Plath, Franz Kafka, and Charles Bukowski. Akshita is also a poet herself, having written two poetry books titled ‘Made By Misery’ and ‘Deathbed’. Apart from goth literature, another thing that she enjoys is the real and fictional stories of Hollywood. She loves cinema and admires all works of art, be they delivered by actors or directors. So, keeping up with celebrity life comes as basic nature to her, something she loves knowing and informing others.

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