In the treasure trove of time-traveling tales, Diana Gabaldon’s ‘Outlander’ series has sparkled like no other trinket. It’s that vibrant tartan with intricate details of history, romance, and our favorite pattern, fantasy. After reigning the book community the series live adaptation on Starz has been stealing hearts left and right.
Now who could resist another piece of the sweet and equal parts salty (In tears) tale of Claire and Jamie Fraser? In a quick overview, ‘Outlander’ is a story of a woman passing through the stones of Craigh na Dun, from post-World War II Scotland to the raging rebellion of the 18th century. But amidst Claire’s time-traveling escapades, one burning question lingers in the minds of fans. Now if you’re up to date with the show you must know that Claire and many others have been quite the time travellers, passing through the stones with no trouble. But the question of why can’t Jamie Fraser, the handsome Highlander husband, take a ticket from the stones station?
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The Handbook Of ‘Outlander’ Time-Travel

Ah, Jamie Fraser, the rugged heartthrob of the Highlands, beloved by legions not just in tartans, but also by fans worldwide. While Claire’s time-traveling journals have intrigued readers and viewers alike, Jamie’s temporal trajectory remains firmly anchored in the past. Why can’t our Scottish hero leap through the centuries with his beloved Sassenach? The answer to this question is not as peculiar as we’d like but it still lies in the intricate web of time-traveling rules woven by Gabaldon.
In the world of ‘Outlander’, time travel is something that is governed by ancient forces beyond mortal comprehension. Still to comprehend a few throughout the seasons we’ve got a list of appropriate conditions. Citing Geillis Duncan’s diary as a source we’ve got that a gemstone is necessary to travel through the stones, that’s about the only info she bingoed because killing her loving husband was a total waste (maybe she knew that). Another point to note here is the changing of seasons and the festival air. Claire first went through the stones accidentally while on her honeymoon at the time of the Beltane Festival and Brianna and Roger also used winter and summer solstice for their passage.
In case you missed: ‘Outlander’: Why Does Jamie Call Claire Sassenach?
Why Can’t Jamie Time Travel?

Even with all the forces of nature in place, why can’t Jamie jump through hoops of time? That probably has to do something with the third important theorized detail of time travel, genetics. We see that Jemmy and Mandy can pass through the stones at the young age that they are because of their time-traveling parents. It runs in Brianna’s blood as Claire did it, once while pregnant with Brianna. Roger MacKenzie also has a history of time-traveling ancestors as we’ve seen during the last season. Now amidst all this, we haven’t seen our beloved Jamie telling any tales of time-travelling relatives. So while Claire flits between centuries like a butterfly on a breeze, Jamie remains firmly rooted in his own time, a stalwart Highlander in a world of shifting sands.
As much as we’d love to see our Highlander donning a kilt in modern-day Edinburgh or awe-gawking the bustling streets of 21st-century Glasgow, the perils of time travel loom large over our hero’s head. In Gabaldon’s universe, altering the course of history is a delicate affair, with far-reaching consequences that ripple across the ages. Claire’s presence in the past has already sent shockwaves through the timeline, reshaping the course of events and altering the fates of those around her.
Introducing Jamie into the mix could unleash chaos of cataclysmic proportions. Imagine Jamie Fraser, the Highland warrior, armed with nothing but his broadsword and his wits, thrust into a world of telephones, television, and cars. The cultural shock alone would be enough to send our intrepid Highlander reeling. And then there’s the matter of fitting in with modern society, remember his reaction to a picture of Brianna in a Bikini?
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