Anime is one of the most prominent and popular animated forms of entertainment in the entire world currently. Multiple people watch anime on a daily basis and are always looking for more anime to watch. There are multitudes of anime in the world and each one of them is unique. However, there are certain anime that were canceled.
There are multiple reasons why those anime were canceled, some fans know whilst other reasons remain under wraps. However, there are certain anime that were canceled that deserve another chance. Here are the top 10 canceled anime that should get a second chance.
10) Ranma ½

‘Ranma ½’ is a very popular comedy romance anime and one that shouldn’t have been canceled. The anime caught up to the manga and as a result, fillers started being created. However, after some time, the animation studio for ‘Ranma ½’ went bankrupt. Because of this, the anime got canceled. The manga continued after that. This anime most definitely deserves a second chance.
9) Fruits Basket

‘Fruits Basket’ is one of the most popular romance anime out there. The anime has everything a romance watcher could hope for and more. The first adaptation of the manga happened in 2001 which was abruptly stopped. The anime got its much-deserved second chance in 2019 and fans loved it. This makes it one of the top 10 canceled anime that should get a second chance.
8) No Game No Life

This anime follows the story of two siblings who are pro gamers. They are transported to an alternate world where everything gets decided by games. The anime when released became immensely popular and loved. However, it never got a second season and fans are eagerly wishing for the anime to get a new season.
7) Rave Master

‘Rave Master’ is created by Hiro Mashima and is quite near to his heart. The anime has 51 episodes, but the manga is much longer than that. Fans of the series are hoping that it would get another adaptation but it has not happened yet. Even Mashima wishes for the entire series to get animated. This makes it one of the top 10 canceled anime that should get a second chance.
6) High School Of The Dead

This particular anime has everything from comedy to gore to ecchi scenes and more. The anime got canceled because the writer passed away. The 12 episodes that the anime has are amazing and fans hope that someone can take over and see the series to its end.
5) Prison School

Whilst this anime hasn’t officially been canceled, the 7 years long hiatus speaks for itself. The manga of the anime is completed and fans are hoping for an animation studio to release its second season. The anime was hilarious and fans eagerly wait for its second season.
4) Deadman Wonderland

‘Deadman Wonderland’ is a truly exceptional manga and is a must-read. However, the anime deviated a lot from the source material and omitted some very important plot points and scenes. Fans are hoping for a new season, or potentially a recreation of the manga entirely. This makes it one of the top 10 canceled anime that should get a second chance
3) Noragami

Fans wait for the second season of this very cute yet mature fantasy romance anime. The plot of the anime is very unique and fans loved it. However since the anime didn’t bring much popularity to the manga, a second season was not released. Fans are hoping that a succeeding season gets released.
2) Gantz

‘Gantz’ is an anime that had an amazing potential to be one of the best sci-fi anime out there, if not the best. However, the anime got messed up a lot and fans didn’t like it. The manga of the same is wonderful and fans are hoping for another chance. This makes it one of the top 10 canceled anime that should get a second chance.
1) Slam Dunk

‘Slam Dunk’ is one of the oldest sports anime and is a complete classic. The anime follows the story of a delinquent who joins the basketball team to impress his crush and soon falls in love with the sport. The anime got cancelled and the last part of the manga was never animated. That part contained some of the best matches and fans hope that the anime gets a second chance and the last part is animated.
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