The trend of getting the lyrics of your favorite songs never gets old. Several fans across the world often get the lyrics that mean something to them inked on their bodies. However, if a tattoo goes wrong, there’s unfortunately no going back. And that’s what has happened to one of Olivia Rodrigo‘s fans.
The fan fell prey to a tattoo mishap while getting the lyrics of Rodrigo’s song inked on their wrist. Sharing a picture of the lyrics typo inked on their body, the fan expressed remorse. However, the way the singer reacted to it must have surely lightened up their mood and made their day. Here’s what she said.
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Here’s How Olivia Rodrigo Reacted To Her Fan’s Tattoo Typo

Olivia Rodrigo gave an amusing yet heartwarming response to a fan who shared their tattoo mishap on the internet. The tattoo comprised the lyrics from her song ‘Hope Ur Ok‘, but they had a major typo. Instead of writing “to the holes in my butterfly wings” on her wrist, the fan got “to the holes in my butter wings” inked on her wrist.
Sharing a photo of the same on TikTok, the fan Grace Flemming first lamented the mistake. However, when Olivia Rodrigo saw the post, she went ahead and commented on it with hearty laughter. “HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG THIS IS THE NEW LYRIC IM CHANGING IT TO BUTTERWINGS,” Rodrigo wrote in the comments section of the TikTok video.
Flemming was overwhelmed with the response, and commented back, asking Rodrigo to be friends with her. Speaking later about the incident with a news outlet, the fan said she is considering never getting the tattoo corrected after Rodrigo commented on her post and made it special.
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Olivia Rodrigo’s Fan Was Delighted By Her Response And Is Thinking Of Retaining The Faulty Tattoo

After Olivia Rodrigo left her heartfelt comment on the fan’s video, Flemming said she was thrilled that Rodrigo even noticed her video. Because of the comment, the typo now holds a special significance in her life.
“Not changing it definitely makes it more unique and special. I kind of want to keep it, but also want to get the right lyrics,” she said. “Maybe I’ll keep this one, and get the right lyrics somewhere else.”
A Colorado resident, Flemming also explained the significance of the lyrics to her. Describing it as a symbol of resilience and the ability to ignore the negativity, Flemming also asserted her love for the artist.
“I have been a fan of Olivia since 2015! I loved American Girl dolls, and Olivia starred in an American Girl doll movie about the doll named Grace. And ever since then, I’ve followed her in her journey,” she was quoted as saying by PEOPLE.
“She is such an inspiration to me and I admire her so much. I hope one day she’ll see this tattoo and laugh about it,” Flemming added.
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