‘The Rings Of Power‘ is an upcoming fantasy TV series based on the appendices to ‘Lord Of The Rings’, or in other words, its prequel. Apparently, J. R. R. Tolkien left behind piles and piles of notes on the history of Middle Earth and an abridged history of many of the events within ‘The Silmarillion‘. This TV series will take the viewers back to Middle Earth and uncover many secrets and unknown parts of Tolkien’s created mythic history.
In Tolkien’s fantastical world, dwarves play a significant role. They inhabit Middle Earth, that is, the central continent of Arda. Since we’ll be swept back to that world, now is the right time to look at Tolkien’s most powerful dwarves, as they’ve played a huge part in the history of Middle Earth.
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Balin The Dwarf, King of Moria

Balin, the King of Moria, is armed with Durin’s master-forged, two-handed axe, so of course, he makes to the top 10 of the most powerful dwarves. Balin makes a clean way through his foes, owing to his two key Heroic Actions: Heroic Strike and Heroic Defence. It gives him the upper hand against creatures like Cave Trolls, Cave Drakes, or even the dreaded Watcher in the Water.
Thorin III ‘Stonehelm’

The son of King Dáin, Thorin III, takes the ninth spot. His skills with his battle axes made him one of the fiercest warriors of Erebor. Along with physical strength, Thorin III also has good leadership qualities, both at times of war and peace. His brave fighting at the Battle of the Five Armies revealed his prowess and skill in battle, meanwhile as his father’s advisor, Thorin’s cunningness could be seen.
Read More: ‘The Rings Of Power’: When Did The Wizards Reach The Middle-Earth?
Glóin the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor

Glóin was one of the members who accompanied Thorin II Oakenshield to reclaim the Lonely Mountain in the Quest of Erebor. He is known for his skills with the tinderbox. He was also the one to set up the fire for the dwarves on the Quest of Erebor. He was also assigned by Prince Dáin to track down a raiding party from Gundabad for his upcoming war against the Orcs of Gundabad.
Dwalin the Dwarf, Champion of Erebor

Dwalin was also one of the members of Thorin’s company in his Quest of Erebor. He is Thorin’s second in command and his best friend. He is a renowned warrior, especially known for his unwavering loyalty to the people he loves. Even though he was first seen as an aggressive and cunning warrior in the negative sense, his story, later on, brings clear characterizations that he is indeed intelligent, strong and wise. He calls out his own best friend, Thorin, for his greed for gold.

Under Thrór’s leadership, Erebor prospered. He was an honorable man, and powerful, too. However, just like Thorin, his greed for his river of gold and treasure got the best of him. It overpowered him.

Telchar belongs to the first age of the dwarves, which means he is very old. He is a smith and an apprentice of Gamil Zirak. His forging skills have given him a very high rank. He forged the sword Narsil, which King Isildur wielded to defeat Sauron. He also forged Angrist, the knife Beren used to steal away one of the Silmarils from Morgoth’s crown. Along with this, he also made the Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin. His self creations has impacted many battles, wars, and conflicts which has impacted Middle Earth itself. Even though he isn’t a king or doesn’t have an army, his presence and skills cannot be ignored.
Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain

The exiled King of Erebor, Thorin II, son of Thrain II, sits at the fifth spot. He is the direct descendent of the Durin of Deathless. Although he was the lead character of Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit‘, he ranks in the middle and not in the first ranks because Thorin gave in to greed, because of which he lost, and later also dies. Most of his victories are not of his own. Even though he had a mighty army, it was Dain II who kills the orc lord Azog and Bard takes down Smaug.
Dáin Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills

Dáin Ironfoot is the son of Náin and the great-grandson of Dáin I of Durin’s Folk. He is also the friend and cousin of Thorin II Oakenshield. When Thorin reached out to him for help, he responded back and assisted him during the quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain. Dáin was always a wise and just leader. He is regarded as the greatest of the Dwarven warriors, a direct descendant of Durin I, and his prowess in the battle of Dale was nearly unmatched.
Durin the Deathless

Durin the Deathless was the first dwarf created by the Vala, Aule. He is the first lord and king of all the dwarves. He got the title of the ‘deathless’ because he has lived longer than any other dwarves. According to the legends, it is believed that Durin will return six more times as different incarnations. Being the supreme leader, all the dwarves consider him the most powerful and the mightiest. He created the Kingdom of Khazad-dum and later Erebor. He also wielded Durin’s Axe and Durin’s Helm, both of which became heirlooms in Moria.
Gimli, Son of Glóin

Gimli and his achievements make him sit at the top position when it comes to power. Firstly, Gimli battled in the War of the Ring where he faced off multiple orcs, and came undefeated. Other of his major battles include the Battle of Helm’s Deep, the assistance he provides to Aragorn in the Paths of the Dead, the Siege of Minas Tirith and the Battle of the Black Gate. After the War of the Ring, he became the Lord of the Glittering Caves. The Glittering Caves sit beneath the mountains of Helm’s Deep, and this is where Gimli’s kingdom is. Moreover, his friendship with Legolas also brought the ancient rivalry between the elves and the dwarves to some relief. Gimli was also called ‘elf friend’ by the elves. Gimli became the first dwarf to travel to Valinor. Legolas took him there as his friend.
‘The Rings Of Power’ will be available for streaming on September 2.