    HomeViralWatch: Lion Bites-Off The Finger Of A Jamaican Zookeeper After He Keeps...

    Watch: Lion Bites-Off The Finger Of A Jamaican Zookeeper After He Keeps Poking It In The Cage

    After poking his hand between the bars of a lion’s cage, a Jamaica Zookeeper had his finger bitten off. The terrifying moment when the man urgently tries to take his hand away from the lion while the animal continues to grip on has gone viral.

    In front of about 15 people, an employee at Jamaica Zoo sticks his finger inside the chain-linked cage. As though he was playing with a cat, he tried to touch the lion. The zookeeper ignored the lion’s growls and continued to tease and play with him. However, seconds into the video, the lion struck the man’s finger and clamped its jaws around it.

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    The Jamaica Zookeeper Loses His Finger

    The man’s ring finger was completely damaged. An eyewitness told the Jamaica Observer that the zookeeper was showing off to bystanders before things went tragically wrong. However, she said that later everyone realized it was serious when the man dropped to the ground. The woman went on to say that the zookeeper’s skin was gone, as well as the first joint of his finger. Before leaving the zoo, the injured zookeeper apparently stood up and proceeded to a car. His facial expression was that of pain.

    “When it happened, I thought it was a joke. I didn’t realise the seriousness of it, because it’s their job to put on a show.”

    The woman eyewitness shares about the incident

    Concerns about the lion’s care and treatment by the employees have arisen as a result of the occurrence. The incident will be examined, according to Pamela Lawson, managing director of the Jamaica Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

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    Jamaica Zoo Talks About Taking Care Of All

    The Jamaica Zookeeper teasing the lion
    The Jamaica Zookeeper teasing the lion

    Separately, Jamaica Zoo stated in a statement that the zoo is a safe environment for both people and animals. The activities seen in the video are those of a Jamaica Zoo contractor, according to the statement. The statement described the situation as unfortunate and added that the video does not represent the safety procedures and rules that must be followed at all times.

    “It is an unfortunate event that should never have happened, and we – the family of Jamaica Zoo – are doing everything to assist the gentleman moving forward.”

    An excerpt from teh zoo’s statement

    The zoo is located in Lacovia, west of Santa Cruz, and has a variety of creatures like llamas, zebras, monkeys, crocodiles, and toucans.

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    Swasti Salecha
    Swasti Salecha
    Swasti loves to play with words to weave beautiful stories. With an experience of 3 years in content, she can magically make the stories alive! She believes that with the power of words any war can be won! Swasti has her eyes glued to business news, especially on the startups but in her free time, she dwells into the imaginary world of fictional classics and movies, perfecting on becoming a pianist, baking delicacies, making abstract artwork, and travelling around the world!

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