‘Bleach’ and ‘JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures’ are two of the most popular anime of all time. Both anime are shonen but their stories are different. Both anime are wonderful creations and are popular for their reasons and traits. However, one thing that is common in anime is the antagonists’ powers.
Both Yhwch and Diavolo can see the future. This makes the fans of both series curious about who would win in a fight between them. Read to find out.

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Who Are Yhwach And Diavolo?

Yhwach is the final antagonist in ‘Bleach TYBW’. He is known as the Quincy king and leader of the Sternritter and he also managed to kill and consume the powers of the soul king. Yhwach can see time called Almighty.
This power not only allows him to see the future but alters any undesirable future. He is also the son of the soul king and is related to the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo through blood. He is most definitely one of the most overpowered villains of all time.
Diavolo is an antagonist in ‘JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures’. He is the boss of Passion and is known as the Crimson King. Diavolo can see ten seconds into the future. He also can erase time. This entails that he can erase the time in which he takes an action. For instance, if he wanted to travel 10 meters in front, his powers would erase the time taken to walk the 10 meters.
Who Would Win In A Fight?

This fight would be extremely interesting to watch as both opponents have the ability to see the future. However, Yhwach wins this fight.
Both Diavolo and Yhwach can see the future, but Diavolo can only see ten seconds into the future whereas Yhwach has no such restrictions. In addition to this, Yhwach can easily erase any future he deems undesirable. Yhwach would probably be able to not only see but predict the time erasure ability Diavolo possesses.
In addition to that, even if Yhwach is unable to do so, he is stronger than Diavolo in terms of raw power. He would be able to defeat him even if it comes to a physical battle. Yhwach’s Almighty however would not let it come to that, as he can easily alter any future in which he is attacked. This makes him pretty much invincible and as a result, he would most definitely win the fight against Diavolo.
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